Image Genius
Image Genius is a simple iPhone app that uses a model of how the human eye/brain system sees colors in the natural world to make the images and videos you create with your phone looks as good as possible in any lighting conditions. By controlling the colorfulness, contrast, sharpness and brightness of an image or video, we give you the choice between a very bright display experience (for example, for outdoor viewing) and a power conserving, less bright image (for example, when you are indoors). In all viewing environments we preserve the correct colors and the correct relationship between colors. Image Genius makes every image or video look as good as it possibly can wherever you want to view them.
Image Genius is powered by eeColorPlus technology.
Image Genius has the following features:
- Process single or batch of photos and videos.
- Easy to use filters for color, flesh tone, color temp, brightness, contrast and sharpness enhancement.
- Sliders to allow you to quickly adjust you filter settings.
- Use the same filters settings for all your photos and videos or select individual filter settings for each photo and video.
- Real-time preview of applied filter settings so you get it right the first time.
- Save processed photos and videos to custom albums.
- Share enhanced photos and videos easily with family and friends using an SMS message, email, iCloud, and other social sharing app interfaces.
- Print enhanced photos using the Apple AirPrint service.
- Fast enhancement processing of your photos and videos. Photos take less than a second while videos take about double the length of time of the video. A one-minute video clip will take roughly 2 minutes to process.
- Save photos in either jpg or png file format.
- Supports jpg and mov and mpg input file formats.
- Pick reference frames in videos to use as your guide when adjusting your filter settings.
- Select the photos and videos to be enhanced from multiple albums on your phone..
And many more useful features to make the job of image enhancement a snap.
Here’s some examples:
Make dark images brighter and more colorful – revealing details not visible in the original image

Makes colors really pop!
Image Genius is available in the Apple AppStore for $1.99
Download it here: Apple App Store