“eeColor is the first. real-time video application using visual models to produce the brightest and most colorful moving images that I have seen.”
Mark Fairchild
Director PhD Color Science Program at Rochester Institute of Technology
“eeColor really does make images more perceptually compelling by selectively. intelligently and gently applying its processing. Flesh tone changes create a more healthy tone without going overboard. Unfavorable color casts are removed within reason. You may find that yo like the images more without necessarily being able to pinpoint why you feel that way. There is no denying that there’s an additive quality that is missed when it is turned off.“
Doug Blackburn
Technical Editor Widescreen Review
“Like nothing on the market… eeColor does indeed add more depth to the image. and a vibrancy to the colors that l have never seen to date.”
Jason Turk
AVScience chief engineer
“Far more lifelike than any picture i have ever seen. projected or otherwise. You felt like conversing with the characterson the screen.”
Stuart Yount
Home theater enthusiast with $2 million system